in this tuitorial i will show you How to make your laptop as a wifi hot spot.
At first you need a software my wifi router. DOWNLOAD my wifi router from here.
step 1:Then install your software.when over installing then you see bellow interface.
step 2:now see the image who is mark as red you see your wifi password in raw 2 &user name in can also modify it by clicking it.also seeactive?deactive button on raw 3
step 3:Now open wifi on your android or other for wifi then you see a wifi hotspot which on your pc.just click this and can share your pc file by this software.just click share drive.
ok thanks for reading this tuitorial.if you have faced any problem then don't foeget to play comment.
At first you need a software my wifi router. DOWNLOAD my wifi router from here.
step 1:Then install your software.when over installing then you see bellow interface.
step 3:Now open wifi on your android or other for wifi then you see a wifi hotspot which on your pc.just click this and can share your pc file by this software.just click share drive.
ok thanks for reading this tuitorial.if you have faced any problem then don't foeget to play comment.
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